beeb digital containment
beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb beeb


name: beeb!
age: 17
pronouns: she/he/+

hair color: light brown
eye color: bright green

region: alola
hometown: seafolk village
gym type: bug/fighting

likes: swimming, volunteering, mangoes
dislikes: flourescent lights, strict schedules, grunts

friends: korrina, bea, whitney, acerola, mina, jasmine
heroes: clair, elesa, olivia

beeb is an energetic trainer, a compassionate companion to her pokémon, and an all around positive force!

she lives by the coast with her menagerie of favorite pokémon: some she trains for gym battles, and other she just spends leisure with.

when she's not working out/training at her gym, she can be found at the hot springs, her favorite local pho shop, or swimming at the beach.

beeb's gym team!

rock n roll ♂

aw shucks ♂

guys ♂

pat fusty ♀

wergelds ♀

missus ♀

beeb's other 'mons

tiramisu ♀

matcha ♀

kyubey ♀

hug ♀

mango homunculus ♀

dear god ⚥

taro ♀

samsug ♂


Hamutaro Fh